About us

Hi there, if you are here it is probably because you are looking for more information about the International Women’s Club of Helsinki. What is it all about? What is a social club? Who is frequenting it? What do we do there? Well, hopefully you will find the answers to all these questions and more in the following lines.


The values of the club are the mission to uphold an atmosphere of mutual respect and to be as inclusive as possible & to provide a programme that takes the interest of all members into consideration.


The purpose of the Club is to promote contacts between Finnish women & foreign women based in Helsinki.

The Club arrange a programme that unlocks access to extraordinary places & people.

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47 countries

Our members are Finnish, Brazilians, Swedes, British, German among the most represented but we can really see that our community goes beyond any border.

woman in red long sleeve shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses

+150 women

In this large group, naturally the age range is quite wide (from 37 to +90 years old!). We love the richness of intergenerational exchanges. Our members are sharp intellect & bright personality transcends their age.

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English speaking

Our club’s language is English although you can hear several other languages when members are speaking one to one. We even have conversation groups in different languages.


We are not going there, neither are we religious. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their religion and/or political views as long as they don’t use our club as a promotion platform. Good for you?

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