Unlocking access to extraordinary people & places.

We are a social club founded by women, provoking intercultural encounters in Helsinki since 1986.

Spice up your social game

Add a dose of excitement to your social life by joining our community of 150+ women from 47 countries, all different ages.

fashion photography of woman hands on chin with glitter makeup

Monthly activities

Explore exclusive places

Our monthly activities will take you to various locations in Helsinki, private & public. Discover the beauty of the city anew.

Ateneum | Visiting the Modern Gothic exhibition

The Gothic Modern – From Darkness to Light exhibition explores the previously unexamined influence of Medieval and Renaissance art on 19th and 20th-century modern art. This international project, initiated by the Ateneum Museum in 2018, highlights how these earlier art periods provided modern artists with emotional and thematic material to grapple with universal human experiences such as birth, death, suffering, sexuality, and trauma.

Your experience of Helsinki is about to change