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Helsinki University | Museum Flame

January 23 @ 11:00 12:00

Join us for an exclusive visit to the Helsinki University Museum Flame, a journey into the rich history of education and knowledge. 


This event is already fully booked as people could register already in dcember on the previous booking platform.

  • Venue: Helsinki University Museum Flame, Fabianinkatu 33, 00100 Helsinki
  • Maximum Capacity: Limited to 15 persons
  • Last Day to Sign Up: 18.1.2023
  • Cost: €10 for non-members, €7 for members, or free with a Museum card. The club sponsors the guide.
  • Attendees: Members only
  • Organizer: Tuula Meres-Wuori, contactable at 0503047649

About the museum

As of summer 2023, Helsinki University Museum is now known as Helsinki University Museum Flame. The new name ties together the museum attractions and operations, including the Observatory and the Art Room.

The museum’s name in Finnish is Tiedemuseo Liekki and in Swedish Vetenskapsmuseet Lågan.

Helsinki University Museum Flame wishes to inspire visitors with the achievements of researchers and artists and to advance scientific literacy.

The change in the museum’s name was prompted by its new concept of operations, which is based on a multidiscplinary and phenomenon-based approach to the exhibition content while drawing on the strengths of the museum collections and venues.

The advances of the various fields of scholarship and the University’s societal significance feature at the centre of the museum’s mission of disseminating information.

After the renovation of the University main building, Helsinki University Museum Flame is accommodated in new street-level exhibition facilities on Fabianinkatu, which enhances its accessibility.