woman holding white book

English book club in Helsinki

The meetings of the English Book Club provide a wonderful opportunity for like-minded individuals who are passionate about literature and eager to engage in meaningful discussions. Our club is dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive community of readers, where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued.

Our gatherings take place once a month, specifically on the last Thursday of each month, ensuring that members have sufficient time to read and reflect on the chosen book. These meetings are hosted by one of the club members, who graciously opens their doors to fellow book enthusiasts.

Prior to each meeting, we carefully select a book to explore collectively. At the beginning of each season, we come together as a group to decide on the upcoming reading selections. This process ensures that everyone has a voice in the book club’s direction, and each member has the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant literary discourse.

During our discussions, each member is encouraged to share their unique impressions, thoughts, and critiques of the chosen book. The exchange of ideas is not only thought-provoking but also serves as a catalyst for personal growth and discovery. As we delve into the themes, characters, and plotlines, we gain a deeper understanding of the author’s intentions and explore the myriad of interpretations offered by our fellow readers.

The conversations that unfold in our meetings are both intellectually stimulating and emotionally enriching. We value the diversity of perspectives our members bring to the table, as it fuels the lively and captivating discussions that have become the hallmark of our club. It’s truly a delight to witness the exchange of insights and experiences in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere.

If you are passionate about literature, crave intellectual engagement, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow book lovers, we invite you to join the English Book Club. For more information or to express your interest, please reach out to our dedicated contact person, Ilse Pirttimäki. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of avid readers!

Activity groups are for members only.

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