Kohta Teurastamo | Afterwork exhibition & drink

“Join us for an exploration of contemporary art at Kohta’s latest exhibition, ‘Figure.’ Afterward, unwind and discuss the vibrant artworks over drinks at Teurastamo. It promises to be an evening of thought-provoking conversations and hopefully memorable experiences. We look forward to seeing you there!

Oodi | French conversation group

Yes, Christine’s French conversation group is back! Christine counts among our most generous and active members. She has led a French conversation group for years and after a break, she’s now offering it again to our dear members who would like to tag along for a fun and easy-going practice.

Albina | September Luncheon with Berlin IWC

This September, we’re welcoming the Berlin International Women’s Club and will have for the occasion a social lunch followed by a guided tour of the city by our dear member and Helsinki expert, Raila Laine.

Media Museum and Archives Merkki

Join us for an inspiring visit to Merkki, the media museum, organised by Tuula. Discover the rich history of Finnish media and enjoy a day of culture with fellow Helsinki Women’s Club members. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!