Café ElFant | Valentine’s Day Brunch

A warm welcome to our sisters and friends for a cosy get together in the Helsinki city center – just at the heart of the Senate Square. We offer a shared space and time for us to gather around something that you would want to share, or bring something to the table that we all have use of in our life, relationships, career or hobbies. You will be part of the creation process by simply being your own wonderful self.

Inside the arts | Kirsti Tuokko’s studio

This intimate studio visit offers a rare opportunity to witness Kirsti Tuokko’s creative space and gain insight into the ideas and techniques behind her captivating works.

Walk & Coffee

Please join us on Tuesday 2 March for a walk around Helsinki. Easy, flat walk around 5km. Meet at 10am in front of Catholic Church Pyhän Henrikin aukio 1 A, 00140 Helsinki. This is Kaivopuisto, on Tram 3. We will walk out to Uunisaaro accross the winter bridge.